Paper Submission
To submit your full paper please visit:
Click on "my papers" than go on the paper which you want to upload. By clicking on the file symbol next to review manuscript you will be able to upload your paper.
Abstract Submission Deadline is extended to the 28th October
During submission you will be asked to agree to this copyright form
The authors must first submit an abstract of 2 A4 pages, using the templates that can be downloaded below. The abstract must contain enough information for the TPC and reviewers to judge the originality and quality of the work.
The abstract must be uploaded via EDAS® conference management system. During the uploading process the authors will be asked to categorize their papers in terms of the conference topics and application tracks, both listed below.
After acceptance, the authors will be asked to submit either:
a) An updated abstract of 2 pages, or
b) a full paper of maximum 5 pages (including figures).
In both cases the paper templates available below must be used. The template for the final 2-page abstract is the same as for the initial abstract. Note that the 2 page abstract will not appear in IEEE Xplore, whereas the full paper will, if it is found to be consistent with the required formats and content.
The authors will also during paper submission be asked if they want to be considered for any awards or grants, as explained below.
The following rules apply to the number of papers per registrants:
· At least one of the authors of each paper must register for attending the conference, and,
· it is not possible for any person to register more than two papers in his/her name as “presenting author”.
- Template - LaTeX
- Template - LaTeX - suitable for multiple affiliations of authors
- Template - MS Word
- Template - MS Word - suitable for multiple affiliations of authors
All papers can be converted or checked using IEEE PDF eXpress, which is available on The Conference ID is eucap13x.
Here you can download PDF instructions about how to use eXpress.
For the first time, EuCAP 2013 will feature a sessions track focussing on applications. This will increase interaction between academia and industry. During abstract submission authors will be invited to allocate their contributions to one or more applications, enabling the formation of application tracks in the final program. Contributions not targeting a particular application will be allocated to regular sessions all along the week.
The following application tracks are proposed:
· Automotive
· Aircraft, ships and trains
· Navigation
· Cellular mobile communication
· Wireless networks
· High data rates transfer and backbone networks
· RFID, on-body antennas and sensor networks
· Biomedical
· Satellite communications
· Satellite passive and active remote sensing
· Radio astronomy
· Science and fundamental research
· Signal and image processing
· Defense and security
· Commercial software
· Topic related to more than one application
· Other applications
· Topics unrelated to any applications
If you have any questions, please contact
In case of problem with abstract uploading, please contact