Workshops & Other Events
The program concerning the Workshops is available HERE
This special workshop will contain interesting presentations of many antenna developments in Sweden, and is open for anyone who would like to attend. In particular it is open without paying any conference registration fee for Swedish Antenna Veterans who has registered for the Swedish Antenna Veterans’ Day, see the social program for more details about this.
The preliminary program is:
Chairman: Claes Beckman
Organizers: Per-Simon Kildal, Carl-Henrik Walde, Per Ingvarson
Session/workshop name: The History of Antennas in Sweden
14:00-17:40 hours.
1. Joakim F Johansson, RUAG Space AB, "The early days of radio in Sweden, Ernst F W Alexanderson and Grimeton radio station SAQ, Unesco World Heritage."
2. Hans Olofsson, Director Onsala Space Observatory, "Swedish Radio Astronomy".
3. Gudmund Wannberg, Wannberg Radar Consulting AB, formerly Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), "The EISCAT antenna systems for Swedish and international ground-based space radio science".
4. Per Ingvarson, "Swedish space antenna projects"
5. Lars Josefsson, Lars Microwave, "Radar antenna R&D in Sweden"
6. Claes Beckman, KTH and Bo Karlsson, Cellmax, "The story of Allgon: HF, VHF, cellular and microwave antennas during almost 60 years"
7. Tomas Östling, Arkivator AB, "The industrial story of the hat-fed reflector antenna for global microwave-link market: The 25 years from invention via Comhat to mass production in Arkivator"
8. Charlie Orlenius, Bluetest AB, "The Bluetest story: the 12 years from a crazy idea to commercial success"
9. Carl-Henrik Walde, Secretary of Swedish URSI, and Gunnar Petersson, KTH, "Personal recollections and interviews covering Swedish antenna history: Hallén and his integral equation, defence activities, ANTENN conferences, stealth craft Smyge"
High Power Electromagnetics
Workshop Room: R31
Pax: 40-50
Date: 09.04.2013
Time:13:30 – 15:30
Dr. Vince Rodriguez, ETS-Lindgren, Cedar Park, Texas
Mr. Michael H. Francis, National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), Boulder, Colorado
In recent years, there has been an increasing need for products and testing related to high power electromagnetics. This has impacted the military and aerospace RF and microwave communities. The need is driven by testing of high power active antenna systems, immunity and the effects of EM pulse, among others – the interest shows no signs of slowing down.
The AMTA workshop will provide an overview and discussion of high power electromagnetics in the international RF and microwave communities. One of the goals of the workshop is to educate attendees on the challenges of high power electromagnetics test and measurement and how to avoid potential problems and hazards at the higher frequencies. Antennas are a critical component for high power measurements; a novel design for an optimal antenna will be discussed. Methodologies used to measure the performance of microwave absorber at high frequencies will be reviewed. Concepts and measurement data for some absorbers will be presented along with some basic theory of absorber both through measurements and numerical modeling. Standards, simulators and test facilities will be reviewed to further educate attendees on the methodology behind and compliance with these high power measurements.
This workshop brings together a number of different viewpoints on high power electromagnetics in order to provide a well-rounded discussion of the topic. Speakers include a professor involved with high power R&D at a leading university, an absorber designer and manufacturer, and a member of the Federal Armed Forces Scientific Institute for Protective Technologies and NBC Protection who is an active contributor to the IEC and IEEE standards committees addressing high power electromagnetics.
Scheduled presentations:
Professor Yahya Rahmat-Samii, Distinguished Professor, holder of the Northrop Grumman Chair in Electromagnetics of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) , USA
“Novel Optimized Septum Horn Design for HPM Applications: Concept, Optimization, and Performance Visualization”
Dr. Vince Rodriguez, Antenna Product Manager, ETS-Lindgren, Cedar Park, Texas, USA
“Important Considerations for Performance Measurements of RF/MW Absorber at High Power”
Dr. Frank Sabath, Head of the directorate on Balanced Nuclear Protection Measures and Nuclear Hardening, Electro-Magnetic Effects, Fire Protection, Bundeswehr Research Institute for Protective Technologies and NBC-Protection (WIS), Germany
“High Power Electromagnetic (HPEM) Simulators, Test Facilities and Standards”
CST Workshop AT EUCAP 2013
Workshop on Advanced Antenna System Simulation
Workshop Room: R24+25
Pax: 50
Date: 09.04.2013
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Simulation is well established as an essential part of the design of modern antenna systems. With its “Complete Technology” and “System Assembly and Modeling” approaches, CST offers state-of-the-art technology to simulate not only the electromagnetic properties, but also the full circuit and system behavior with incomparable speed and flexibility.
This workshop will consist of various application examples and live demonstrations. All aspects of the antenna design workflow will be discussed, from making the right choice of antenna type and its initial dimensioning, through choosing the optimal solver technology, to optimizing the antenna performance for a specific application. The design of feeding and matching circuits will be discussed, along with multiphysics effects, human exposure to fields, and finally the antenna placement in its environment. The range of antennas demonstrated will include small antennas as used in mobile communication (also in MIMO configuration), reconfigurable and conformal body wearable types, UWB, reflector antennas, and array antennas both large and small.
The workshop will conclude with a look at the new features of the upcoming version CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® 2013.
Speakers: Dr Tilmann Wittig and Dr Marc Rütschlin
EMSS Workshop AT EUCAP 2013
Application of Numerical Techniques to the Solution of Practical Antenna Problems with FEKO
Workshop Room: R22+23
Pax: 40-50
Date: 11.04.2013
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Dr. Markus Schick, Dipl.-Ing. Benian Chand, EM Software & Systems GmbH, Germany
Cost: The workshop is provided at no cost. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to or visit us directly at our booth on the EuCAP.
FEKO is a leading electromagnetic (EM) analysis software suite, based on multiple state of the art computational EM (CEM) techniques for solving a wide range of EM problems for a large variety of industries. It enables you to profit from its outstanding capabilities in numerical field computation with the combination of different methods like Method of Moments (MoM), Multi-Level Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM), Unified Theory of Diffraction (UTD), Physical Optics (PO), Geometrical Optics (GO) and Finite Element Method (FEM) within one software package.
The workshop will start with an overview about different numerical methods. Thereby the frequency based techniques in FEKO like MoM will be described (not going too much into mathematical details, but rather just a more illustrative description). A main part of the workshop illustrates the application of these methods to the solution of typical antenna problems such as antenna design or antenna placement. Different antenna applications will be given and also comparisons with measurements will be presented. Also extensions to the standard numerical methods will be demonstrated such as adaptive frequency interpolation techniques for the fast solution of broadband antenna problems or the coupling of different antennas or cables.
Parallelization and Cloud Computing Efforts in Electromagnetics within COST VISTA
Workshop Room: R26
Pax: 30
Date: 10.04.2013
Time: 14:00 – 16:20
Dr. Francesca Vipiana, Politecnico di Torino and ISMB, Italy
Dr. Dragan Olcan, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
In recent years virtually all computers from desktop PC to large clusters migrated from sequential code execution to parallel execution on multiple processors – from several cores in notebooks to thousands or tens of thousands in large clusters.
The academic and commercial electromagnetic codes developed in the last half a century were often made for sequential execution, as the hardware they were supposed to run on did not support parallel execution in computationally efficient manner.
In order to harvest the maximal computing power of the present day computers with efficient parallel codes, the existing electromagnetic codes either have to be changed or new algorithms and methods have to be developed and included into the existing ones.
The following topics and related challenges will be discussed at the workshop.
•Numerical electromagnetics on multiple core computers.
•Computational electromagnetics using graphic processing units (GPUs).
•Parallel electromagnetic codes for clusters of computers.
•Cloud computing and applications to computation electromagnetics.
•Electromagnetics codes for heterogeneous computing environment (i.e., computational environment with interconnected computers of different computational capabilities and architecture).
Speakers: Dr. Francesca Vipiana, Dr. Dragan Olcan, Dr. Elia Attardo, and Dr. Olivier Terzo.
The workshop is free to all COST VISTA (IC1102) members and other participants of EuCAP 2013.