Why Exhibit or being Sponsor
Because your customers are here!
The Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) will again participate with special AMTA technical sessions. As part of the EuCAP conference, AMTA now has a “home” for its high quality technical papers that share a common focus with EuCAP conference attendees as related to antenna measurements. AMTA member attendance and presenters include academia, industry, government and foreign agencies. They attend EuCAP to learn the latest technology and methods to perform accurate measurements!
Exhibition booths are being sold as 3m x 3m booths. Shell scheme, power supply, one table and 2 chairs are included in the price of a stand. Free stand spaces are also available; please contact the organizers for details. All stands are sold on a first come first served basis.
If you have any questions on exhibition and sponsoring possibilities, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Exhibitors Hotline for the EuCAP 2013
Contact Person: Jennifer Kohnert & Marion Annabrunner
Telephone: +49-89-660799-420
Email: jennifer.kohnert@realize-events.de, marion.annabrunner@realize-events.de
Information for potential sponsors
We encourage all industry and organisation participants of EuCAP to be an EuCAP sponsor. Sponsorship will provide your company with greater visibility to the conference delegates and highlight your standing in the Antennas, Measurement and Propagation community. The sponsorship opportunities are listed in the information pack. We are always happy to discuss your sponsorship requirements and tailor packs to suit your own needs.
If you have any questions on exhibition and sponsoring possibilities, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Exhibitors Hotline for the EuCAP 2013
Contact Person: Jennifer Kohnert & Marion Annabrunner
Telephone: +49-89-660799-420
Email: jennifer.kohnert@realize-events.de, marion.annabrunner@realize-events.de