Convened Sessions
As in previous editions of EUCAP, a number of convened sessions will be organised within the official conference programme. These will deal with hot topics on antennas, propagation and measurements.
Proposals for Convened Sessions should be submitted electronically to the Convened Session Chairs (Marta Martínez-Vázquez, Thomas Kürner) at
The deadline for submitting a proposal is July 15th, 2012.
The convened session proposers will be notified about the acceptance or the rejection of the Proposal via e-mail on August 31th, 2012, at the latest.
All participants in a convened session will have to submit an abstract before the official deadline (October 14th). These abstracts will be subject to reviewing in the same way as regular conference papers.
The rules that will be applied to the convened sessions are listed below:
- Complete convened sessions: 10 papers. EuCAP strongly encourages convened sessions including European and out-of Europe papers in a balanced proportion.
- Two conveners per session (two chairpersons)
- Convened "Half-sessions" (5 papers) could be considered if properly justified and if they can fit the general timetable
- All participants, including speakers and conveners must register and pay the registration fee.
Important deadlines:
July 15th, 2012 – submitting a proposal
August 31st, 2012 – acceptance notification
October 14th, 2012 – deadline for abstracts
Please click here to download the proposal form for Convened Session.