Our Exhibitors & Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Bluetest AB

Bluetest offers accurate and cost effective reverberation test systems to verify wireless devices and small antennas Over-The-Air. Bluetest’s unique patented technology enables the user to perform MIMO OTA tests in an isotropic multipath environment. Bluetest offers measurement options for all cellular standards and many other wireless communication protocols such as the IP throughput test instrument for measurements of WLAN devices. Easy and fast maintenance, calibration, and measurement setup gives the user the opportunity to minimize its time-to-market. Tests like TRP, TIS and throughput can be performed faster than any other existing technology.
Bluetest AB
Lindholmsallèn 10
417 55 Gothenburg
Tel.: +46 766 29 57 15
E-mail: info@bluetest.se
Webpage: http://www.bluetest.se/
CST - Computer Simulation Technology AG

CST develops and markets software for the simulation of electromagnetic fields. Its products allow you to characterize, design and optimize electromagnetic devices all before going into the lab or measurement chamber. The extensive range of tools integrated in CST STUDIO SUITE® enables numerous applications to be analyzed without leaving the user-friendly CST design environment and can offer additional security through cross verification. CST’s customers operate in industries as diverse as Defense, Telecommunications, Automotive, Electronics, and Medical Equipment.
CST-Computer Simulation Technology AG Bad Nauheimer Str. 19 64289 Darmstadt Germany Tel.: +49 6151 7303 0 Fax: +49 6151 7303 100
E-mail: info@cst.com
Webpage: http://www.cst.com
Gold Sponsors
EM Software & System GmbH

EMSS distributes the leading field simulation software package FEKO and the antenna design tool Antenna Magus. FEKO is an electromagnetic (EM) analysis software suite, based on multiple state of the art computational techniques for solving a wide range of EM problems for a large variety of industries.
EM Software & Systems GmbH Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 36 71034 Böblingen Germany
Webpage: http://www.feko.info
Ericsson is the world's leading provider of communications technology and services. We are enabling the Networked Society with efficient real-time solutions that allow us all to study, work and live our lives more freely, in sustainable societies around the world.Our offering comprises services, software and infrastructure within Information and Communications Technology for telecom operators and other industries. Today more than 40 percent of the world's mobile traffic goes through Ericsson networks and we support customers' networks servicing more than 2.5 billion subscribers.
Torshamnsgatan 23
SE-164 83 Stockholm
European Space Agency 
Space is a key asset for Europe, providing essential information needed by decision-makers to respond to global challenges. Space provides indispensable technologies and services, and increases our understanding of our planet and the Universe. Since 1975, the European Space Agency (ESA) has been shaping the development of this space capability.
European Space Agency
Keplerlaan 1,
PB 299 NL-2200 AG Noordwijk,
The Netherlands
Silver Sponsors

ANSYS is the leading provider of electromagnetic field, circuit and system simulation software for the design of high-performance electronic equipment and electromechanical devices. Every product is a promise to live up to and surpass expectations. By simulating early and often with ANSYS software, our customers become faster, more cost-effective and more innovative, realizing their own product promises.
ANSYS Sweden Vestagatan 2 416 64 Göteborg Sweden Tel.: +46 31 771 87 80 Fax: +46 31 771 87 87
E-mail: info-se@ansys.com
Webpage: http://www.www.ansys.com/sv_se

The Microwave Vision Group – MVG - combines the technological expertise, product portfolios and infrastructures of four industry leaders: SATIMO, ORBIT/FR, AEMI and REMC. With over 300 employees worldwide located in 12 countries, MVG is dedicated to the conception, production and sale of antenna test and measurement solutions.
MVG solutions support the Aerospace & Defense, Telecommunication, and Automotive industries, as well as Universities and Institutional Research.
Microwavevsion Corporate Headquarter
47, Boulevard Saint Michel
Tel: +33 (0)1 75 77 58 50
Fax : +33 (0)1 46 33 39 02
Webpage: http://www.microwavevision.com/

NSI has been providing state of the art antenna measurement systems for 25 years. To date we have delivered more than 500 such systems worldwide. NSI also offers in-house test facilities for contract antenna testing and consulting services for range evaluation and accuracy assessment.
NSI 19730 Magellan Drive Torrance, CA 90502 USA Phone: (310) 525 7000 Fax: (310) 525 7102 E-mail: sales@nearfield.com
Webpage: http://www.nearfield.com
Huawei is a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider. Through our dedication to customercentric innovation and strong partnerships, we have established end-to-end advantages in telecom networks, devices and cloud computing. We are committed to creating maximum value for telecom operators, enterprises and consumers by providing competitive solutions and services. Our products and solutions have been deployed in over 140 countries, serving more than one-third of the world’s population.
Skalholtsgatan 9
164 40 Kista
Webpage: http://www.huawei.com
Qamcom Research & Technology AB
Qamcom Technology AB was founded in 2001 by Ph.D. students at ChalmersUniversity of Technology, Göteborg. The company has since then been activein the telecom business, especially the microwave backhaul segment. As oftoday Qamcom has around 35 employees, of which 40 percent hold a Ph.D.degree
Qamcom Research & Technology AB
Falkenbergsgatan 3
S-412 85 Göteborg
Webpage: http://www.qamcom.se
Exhibitor & Technical Tour Sponsor
The Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) is a non-profit professional organization for members involved in research and development of antenna and radar-scattering measurements. The principal objective of AMTA is to provide a forum for the exchange of information on electromagnetic measurement techniques and problems. EuCAP delegates are welcome to visit the AMTA booth and join as members.
Exhibitor and delegate bag Sponsor

enprobe develops and offers analog fiber-optic links and opto-electronic active antennas for RF E-field measurements. Their ultra small size and the fiber-optical connection opens up completely new prospects for high precision measurements.
enprobe GmbH
John-Schehr-Str. 26
D-10407 Berlin
Webpage: http://www.enprobe.de
Exhibitor and Lanyard Sponsor
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
SPEAG is the leading developer and manufacturer of the most reliable, efficient and advanced experimental (DASY, cSAR3D, DAK, TDS, SAR/OTA Phantoms) and numerical electromagnetic & thermal simulation tools (SEMCAD X).
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
Zeughausstrasse 43
8004 Zurich, Switzerland
Webpage: http://www.speag.com
Exhibitor & Host University
City of Gothenburg
Gothenburg is located on the Swedish west coast, with tranquil archipelago on the doorstep. It is rated the 2nd "Best value destination in 2013" by Lonely Planet, next after Rio de Janeiro.
Webpage: http://www.goteborg.com
CHALMERS University of Technology
Chalmers is named after William Chalmers (1748-1811), a director of the Swedish East India Company. 40% of Sweden's graduate engineers are educated at Chalmers. All Master's programmes are taught in English.
Chalmers University of Technology
Hörsalsvägen 11
412 96 Gothenburg,
Technical Tours & Social Events Sponsor
Specializes in highly reliable on-board satellite equipment including computer systems, antennas and microwave electronics and adapters and separation systems for space launchers. A wide competence in electromagnetical and mechanical design of arrays, reflectors, and wide coverage antennas for space use, combined with advanced analysis and design tools, in-house clean-room production, as well as facilities for environmental and RF testing, makes RUAG Space a complete 'one-stop shop' for antennas.
Solhusgatan 11
SE-412 76 Göteborg
Phone +46 31 735 0000
Webpage: http://www.space.se

TICRA is the supplier of software for advanced reflector antenna EM modelling and design. GRASP, POS, CHAMP, SNIFT and DIATOOL are all recognized product names within the reflector antenna industry world-wide.
TICRA Læderstræde 34, 2. DK-1201 Copenhagen K Denmark
Webpage: http://www.ticra.com
E&C Anechoic Chambers NV

We at E&C Anechoic Chambers are committed to continue and further improve the over half-a-century lasting excellence in development and manufacturing of absorber material for anechoic chambers.
E&C Anechoic Chambers NV Nijverheidsstraat 7A 2260 Westerlo Belgium
Webpage: http://www.ecanechoicchambers.com
Astrium GmbH

Astrium, subsidiary of EADS, develops in its Ottobrunn RF-Test center highly sophisticated test solutions for antennas, payloads and satellites. Its Compensated Compact Range family provides unprecedented measurement performance optimized for spaceapplications
Astrium GmbH Satellites - Products 81663 München
Webpage: http://www.astrium.eads.net/

SIEPEL manufacture microwave absorbers and anechoic chambers for EMC, antenna testing, compact range. Our French centralized workshops and long experience enable to offer high quality materials and fast delivery schedules.
ZA de Kermarquer Impasse de la
Manille, 56470 LA TRINITE SUR MER,
Webpage: http://www.siepel.com
Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz is Europe’s leading manufacturer of electronic test and measurement equipment. We offer a full range of microwave T&M instruments up to 500 GHz including signal generators, spectrum analyzers, network analyzers and power meters.
Mühldorfstraße 15 81671 München Tel.: +49.89.4129-12345 Fax: +49.89.4129-63778
E-mail: customersupport@rohdeschwarz.com
Webpage: http://www.rohde-schwarz.com

IMST GmbH is a competence centre a for RF-circuits, wireless solutions, antennas and communications systems. The portfolio comprises RF + digital design services, measurements, simulation tools and wireless radio modules.
Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Str. 2-4 D-47475 Kamp-Lintfort, Germany Tel.: +49 2842 981 0 Fax: +49 2842 981 190
Webpage: http://www.imst.com

EMCoS simulation software is widely used in automotive, aircraft and naval industries. It covers solutions for: EMC / EMI in large systems, complex harness, hybrid vehicles, shielding, antenna and PCB.
27 Pekin Str. 0160 Tbilisi Georgia Tel.: +99532 238 9091 Fax: +99532 238 9092
E-mail: info@emcos.com
Webpage: http://www.emcos.com
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
The IET is the largest professional society of engineers and technicians in Europe. With over 150,000 members in 127 countries around the world, we are a truly global organisation.
Michael Faraday House Six Hills Way Stevenage SG1 2AY United Kingdom Webpage: http://www.theiet.org/
Agilent Technologies Sweden AB
Agilent Technologies is the world’s premier measurement company and a technology leader in electronics and life sciences. The company’s 20,000 employees serve customers in more than 100 countries.
Agilent Technologies Sweden AB
Kronborgsgränd 23
164 94 Kista
Webpage : http:// www.agilent.se
Q-par Angus Ldt
Founded in 1973, Q-par Angus based in Leominster, UK excel in the research, design, development & manufacture of microwave antennas, systems & components from 0.1 to more than 140 GHz.
Barons Cross Laboratories
Webpage : http://www.q-par.com
Wiley is a leading international publisher of print and electronic products, specialising in scientific and technical books and journals
Customer Services Department.
1 Oldlands Way
Bognor Regis
West Sussex
PO22 9SA. UK
Phone: +44 (0) 1243 843294
Fax: +44 (0) 1243 843303
5 von 10 EuCAP 2012 Prague 20.12.2012
E-mail: customer@wiley.com
Webpage : http://www.wiley.com
Gapwaves develops a disruptive microwave technology into products, customer solutions and antennas. GAP technology combines the simplicity of micro-strip design with waveguide performance.
Webpage: http://www.gapwaves.com
Matsing is a manufacturer of the world's lightest, large size RF Lenses with applications in Antenna Measurement Solutions, Luneburg lenses and Multibeam Antennas.
31 Kaki Bukit #06-21
6 von 10 EuCAP 2012 Prague 07.01.2013
Singapore, 415936
Webpage: http://www.matsing.com
The BENELUX Antenna & Propagation Community welcomes the 8th EuCAP to be held in 2014, to the World Forum in The Hague, The Netherlands.
EuCAP 2014
6-11 April 2014
World Forum
Churchillplein 10
The Hague, Netherlands
Webpage: http://www.eucap2014.org
WIPL-D, with its flagship software products WIPL-D Pro and WIPL-D Pro CAD, enables users worldwide to perform fast and accurate high-frequency simulations of antennas, antenna positioning, microwave circuits, scatterers etc.
WIPL-D d.o.o.
Gandijeva 7, apt. 32
11070 Belgrade
Webpage: http://www.wipl-d.com
MI Technologies
MI Technologies is the premium provider of RF and Microwave test and measurement products, systems and services offering the industry’s broadest choices. MI’s premium products are used in research, development, monitoring and manufacturing processes worldwide.
MI Technologies
1125 Satellite Blvd.
Suite 100
Suwanee, GA 30024
United States of America
Webpage : http://www.mitechnologies.com
IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.a
IDS S.p.A. is an independent systems engineering company, operating worldwide and providing electromagnetic field consultancy and products for Naval, Aeronautical, Air Navigation GeoRadar and Space applications, in both defense and civilian sectors.
IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A.
Via Enrica Calabresi, 24
56121 Loc. Montacchiello – Pisa
Webpage: http://www.idscorporation.com
RF Partner AB is a Manufacturer’s Representative acting in the Nordic Region. We specialize in Components and Test Solutions in the Microwave frequency range. Antenna Systems Solutions (ASYSOL) who specialize in Microwave Antenna Metrology one of our highly skilled Manufacturers. ASYSOL is one of the leading suppliers of customised antennas, accurate positioning equipment, near-field and compact test antenna systems and anechoic chambers.
RF Partner AB
Flojelbergsgatan 1C
SE-431 35 Molndal
Webpage: http://www.rfpartner.se
ETS Lindgren
ETS-Lindgren is the world leader in Wireless OTA systems. At EUCAP 2013 we will be exhibiting our latest developments in wireless chambers and in particular our wireless reverb technology.
ETS-LindgrenUnit 4,
Eastman Way
Pin Green Industrial Area
Herts SG1 4UH
Webpage: http://www.ets-lindgren.com
COST IC1102 VISTA aims at identifying new technologies and applications, fostering the development of innovative radiating systems and their necessary supporting technologies; and promoting the career start of young researchers.
Webpage: http://www.cost-vista.eu
Full 3D Virtual Testing with ESI Solutions for Computational Electromagnetics: array antennas, RADAR signature & stealth, antenna placement, EMC/EMI with cable networks, Active Safety and RADAR sensors, and many more.
Webpage: http://www.esi-group.com
Mician is recognized as a leading developer of EM software tools for the analysis, synthesis and optimization of passive components like feeding networks, couplers, multiplexers and horn antennas, including reflectors.
Mician GmbH
Schlachte 21
28195 Bremen
Webpage: http://www.mician.com
ViaSat Antenna Systems specializes in advanced antenna development and fabrication, primarily for mobile satellite communications from L-band to Ka-band. A particular focus is low profile, phased array antennas.
ViaSat, Inc. (Corporate Headquarters)
6155 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Webpage: http://www.viasat.com/antenna-systems/mobile-antennas
European School of Antennas (ESoA) is the largest PhD thematic school in the world. It counts 200 teachers and 34 institutions coming from 15 countries.
Webpage: http://www.esoa-web.org/
Arkivator Telecom develops, manufactures and markets microwave products for the radio link industry. The product portfolio includes microwave antennas, filters, diplexers, couplers and other waveguide components. We grasp frequencies from 4 to 86GHz.
Arkivator AB
Gamlestadsvägen 303
SE-415 25 Göteborg
Webpage: http://www.arkivator.com

A leading technical book publisher, Artech House provides engineers with cutting-edge books and software from the world’s top authorities in antennas and propagation, microwave/RF and radar amongst other areas.
Artech House
16 Sussex Street
Business Region Göteborg & Microwave Road
ITCV’s field of activity is supporting the regional ICT cluster.Microwave Road, a national cluster focusing on technology and market development uniting industry, universities, institutes and authorities.
Norra Hamngatan 14
Box 11119
404 23 Göteborg
Webpages: http://www.itcv.nu & http://www.microwaveroad.se